Core Skills in Volunteer Management

Last month Volunteer Midlothian and Midlothian Voluntary Action hosted ‘Core Skills in Volunteer Management’ training in Dalkeith. The course – designed and delivered by Volunteer Edinburgh – is a veritable ‘tour de force’ in how to support and manage volunteers. It was great to work in partnership with Volunteer Edinburgh to provide this valuable opportunity to local organisations, whilst learning some really interesting facts about volunteering along the way.
For example, did you know that the number of people volunteering at any given time in Scotland tends to sit at around a third of the total population? In Midlothian the rate is currently around 32% according to the most recent data from the Scottish Household Survey (2018), although this does vary considerably depending on the type and duration of volunteering. We also learned that people from disadvantaged backgrounds and people with protected characteristics under the 2010 Equalities Act (for example minority ethnic groups) are less likely to volunteer. The training reminded us that volunteer involving organisations need to be proactive about ensuring that everyone is represented and supported to participate, no matter what background they are from. The CVSM course runs regularly and we would highly recommend attending if you are involved in supporting or managing volunteers.
For more info about future dates in Edinburgh, contact Volunteer Edinburgh on 0131 225 0630 or visit the Volunteer Edinburgh website.