Transforming Young People’s lives – Funding Boost
We are delighted to announce further development of our Transform project for young volunteers, thanks to funding awarded from Tyne & Esk Rural Communities Development Fund.
This funding will enable continuation of our successful Intergenerational Activity sessions at Heinsberg House in Penicuik, the introduction of a new session at Cowan Court, and further support for our Garden volunteers at Dalkeith Community Garden until February 2024.
Transform is a fully supported and supervised volunteering project for young people 15-24 years old, where our Youth Support Coordinators help young people gain confidence, skills, experience and a reference through volunteering as part of a small group.
The Intergenerational Activity sessions involve young volunteers delivering a range of games and social activities for older people living in Sheltered Housing. The sessions breakdown intergenerational misconceptions, reduce loneliness and social isolation, and strengthen respect and community cohesion.
Within our Community garden in Dalkeith Country park young volunteers learn practical skills and develop experience as well as a sense of belonging and team spirit, all whilst creating a peaceful, attractive greenspace for the wider community.
By developing this range of both hard and soft skills, the project prepares young people for positive progression in their lives.
This funding allows us to engage more young people in volunteering, supporting them to develop skills and experience whilst having a positive impact on their local communities overall.
To find out more or to get involved as a volunteer, contact our Operations & Development Manager Karen Downie –, or visit our Transform page.

Funded by Scottish Ministers in conjunction with the Tyne & Esk Local Action Group