Author: Richard Cross

Social Enterprise in the Spotlight: The Storehouse, Penicuik

Fraser Waugh recently caught up with Aglaia Kempinski, the Community Development Manager at the Storehouse in Penicuik to talk about all things eco-friendly, organic, and how this store aims to take its customers on a sustainability journey. Let’s get our teeth (pun intended) into finding out all about The Storehouse:

Tell us about your mission
The Storehouse Penicuik sells goods that are good for people, the community and for the planet, always ethically sourced and local as possible. Everything we sell uses small-scale suppliers and short supply chains to ensure sustainability and traceability. Through this, and our customers shopping with us, we aim to be a pivot point in enabling people to live a more sustainable life.

Tell us more about what is on offer at the Storehouse
• A refillery within the shop for essential and organic produce, so customers only buy what they need and refill when they need to, vastly reducing plastic waste. This includes household supplies such as washing up liquid and shampoos/conditioners
• We now have our café area back up and running serving freshly made cakes, toasties, sandwiches and hot drinks amongst other tasty treats to takeaway as well
• Many shelves filled with fresh, organic fruit and vegetables, drinks, fresh meat and dairy, dried goods, and household supplies
• A fruit and veg box scheme that can do deliveries within the local area
• Locally- crafted gifts such as knitted goods, cards, jewellery and accessories
• We now have a second-hand bookshop in store, catering to all genres and readers of any age.

Penicuik Storehouse

Tell us how you seek to be a hub for the community?
We are a community-owned and led social enterprise with close relationships with our local customers and volunteers. We want the Storehouse to be a focal point not just for shopping but for community activities and learning.

Volunteering is really important to us. It is all about volunteers building skills and providing an experience that customers will want to continue to be a part of and come back to. It’s a great place to develop skills that can be used in any retail capacity.

The store is also all about giving back to nature as we take away from it. We have a gardening section within the store, where left-over seedlings can be donated, and ‘wonky’ fruit and vegetables are sold instead of going to waste.

How does someone go about volunteering at the storehouse? What roles could they get involved in?
This is mainly a volunteer lead shop so volunteers could be doing a variety of different roles within the store- what you put in is what you get out of it! To get involved or if anyone requires more information, please contact

The Penicuik Storehouse is open seven days a week, Monday to Saturday: 9:30am – 5:30pm and Sundays 10:30am – 3:00pm in Penicuik town centre. Make a small change to make a big difference!

Winners of the 2021 Midlothian Volunteer Awards announced

Penicuik Ambassadors, Volunteering Team of the Year

To celebrate Volunteer’s Week 2021, Volunteer Midlothian held an online awards ceremony on the 3rd June attended by around 150 people. The ceremony was very different to the one we’re used to at Newbattle Abbey College, nonetheless it was still filled with love and admiration for Midlothian’s volunteers.  Many congratulations to all our hard-working winners this year, and to all our nominees – you’re simply the best, and you are ALL worthy of recognition!  

The winners of the 2021 awards are as follows: 

  • Outstanding New Volunteer: Heather Mortimore from Food Facts Friends 
  • Befriender/Mentor of the Year: The Connect Project Volunteers from Volunteer Midlothian 
  • Active Volunteering: Chris Boyle and Ricky Lloyd of Dalkeith Rugby Football Club 
  • Health and Wellbeing Award: The Midlothian Breastfeeding Alliance 
  • Dedicated Service: Colette Pye from Mayfield and District Breastfeeding Support Group 
  • Covid-19 Community Award: The Amazing Brains Committee at Art Club 
  • Volunteer Manager of the Year: Naomi Knights from the Connect Project at Volunteer Midlothian 
  • Saltire Summit Award: Kyle Anderson, Eva Hesketh-Laird, Louise Gillespie, Melissa Reidie, Samantha Gough 
  • Volunteer of the Year: Joseph Burke of Health in Mind 
  • Volunteering Team of the Year: Penicuik Ambassadors 

You can read more about all our nominees and winners here.  

Thank You to Our Sponsors!

If you’ve been keeping up with our recent news, you’ll be aware that every year in Midlothian we run a volunteer awards ceremony during Volunteers’ Week from the 1-7th June. The ceremony is an opportunity for us to say a huge thank you to all of Midlothian’s volunteers. However, we also need to say thanks to another important contributor – the people that help to make the awards possible in the first place. 

We are grateful to have received sponsorship for seven of this year’s award categories from local organisations. Without the input of our sponsors, the Midlothian Volunteer Awards would be a much less exciting affair! As the circumstances do not permit us to offer our thanks in person, we want to show our appreciation digitally, to let others know that our sponsors really are amazing and very generous. 

The award categories and sponsors are listed below.  

Outstanding New volunteer – Scottish Fire and Rescue Service 

Befriender or Mentor of the Year – Police Scotland 

Active Volunteering Award – EDF  

Health and Wellbeing Award – Midlothian Health and Social Care Partnership 

Dedicated Service to Volunteering – Esk Valley Rotary Club 

Covid-19 Community Award – Midlothian Council 

Volunteer Manager of the Year – Scottish Qualifications Authority 

Third Sector Growth Fund: One to Watch Out For

The Scottish Government’s Third Sector Growth Fund will provide loan funding of £30 million to social enterprises and charities in Scotland. The fund aims to help the sector access new forms of investment in order to grow. It also seeks to support our sector to recover from the pandemic and become more sustainable.

Further details about the Third Sector Growth Fund, including what types of social enterprises and charities will be eligible for the funding, and details of how to apply, will be published later this spring. Check here for more.

Volunteer Midlothian ‘Where’s the Bear?’ Competition Launches TODAY!

Amber and the as-yet nameless bear!

Volunteer Midlothian are running a ‘Name the Bear’ competition for primary schools in Midlothian starting TODAY, Monday 24th May. Our little furry friend is the mascot for the Midlothian Volunteer Awards, an annual ceremony that takes place during Volunteer’s Week at the beginning of June.

The bear will be travelling around Midlothian over the next 11 days, visiting different beauty spots and places of interest, then popping up every day on Twitter using the hashtag #wheresthebear 

Followers will be encouraged on Twitter and Facebook to guess the bear’s location. At the end of its journey on 3rd June, the bear will gain a new name voted for by participants at the Midlothian Volunteer Awards ceremony. The chosen name, based on entries from local primary school children, will win £100 for the school and will get to keep the bear!  

The mascot competition is part of a campaign to increase awareness of Volunteers’ Week 2021 and to boost Volunteer Midlothian’s following on social media. We are keen for lots of people to join in and follow the bear on its travels. This is the first time Volunteer Midlothian have run a digital campaign, so YOUR help in making it a success is much needed! Please tell other local people about the bear, especially any families you may know whose children might want to have a go at naming the bear via the school they attend. All local primary school head teachers have been sent information about how to enter.

For more information about how to take park contact Miriam at Volunteer Midlothian.

Welcoming a new face thanks to the Kickstart Scheme

We’re delighted to be part of the Kickstart initiative, created as part of the government’s coronavirus response to provide paid employment and career support to Universal Credit claimants aged 16-24. Fraser Waugh started with us this week thanks to Kickstart – we have also discovered that Fraser is a former Volunteer Midlothian volunteer! Over to Fraser to introduce himself:

Hi, I’m Fraser Waugh, 23, from Penicuik. I have just begun my new role at Midlothian Voluntary Action. After many months of job searching, including sending away 55 applications, CVs, covering letters and nearly 18 months out of full-time employment; I am very pleased to be now working in a sector I am passionate about. I am eager to promote the amazing projects that are happening in and around Midlothian. So, a bit about me:

My earlier years before MVA

  • After I left school, I went to Forth Valley College in Stirling to complete an HND in Media and Communications
  • Then worked at Ikea Edinburgh for over 2 years
  • Recently I finished my studies at Queen Margaret University in 2020, gaining a BA (Hons) in PR, Marketing and Events right at the start of the pandemic!
  • Now that I have a Kickstart role, I’ll receive on-the-job training and gain some valuable transferable experiences that will allow me to continue in a communications role.

What volunteering have I done?

I’ve volunteered in Midlothian – mostly when I was at high school, but throughout my life too:

Volunteer Awards at Newbattle Abbey College
Volunteer Awards at Newbattle Abbey College
  • Assisted in the start-up of the Beadazzling jewellery store in Dalkeith as part of Volunteer Midlothian’s Ready for Retail Project. I also created original jewellery designs such as earrings, bracelets and necklaces, helped run workshops and craft fair stalls, and was a retail assistant. This project was also recognised for all the hard work we did at the Volunteer Awards at Newbattle Abbey College. I was also part of another Volunteer Midlothian befriending project, a ‘Sew Crafty’ craft group designed to match up young people with older members of the local community. We knitted, made cards, a bit of jewellery making and any other craft skills that the lovely ladies knew!
  • From doing the Sew Crafty craft group and Beadazzling I gained an ‘Ascent’ Saltire award.
  • I starred in a film project in collaboration with Screen Education Edinburgh on behalf of MYPAS Thinking Differently. We were taught all aspects of filmmaking and created a film on the theme of alcohol abuse. This was filmed on location in Dalkeith and screened at the Filmhouse in Edinburgh. You can watch it here.
  • I have also been in Scouting since I was six – now I’m a Cub Scout Leader in Penicuik and an Explorer Leader in Bonnyrigg.
  • On the theme of scouting, I won the senior category in the south of Scotland’s regional district Rotary Club’s National Young Writer’s Competition. The finalists were invited to a presentation at Waterstone’s in Glasgow. Bill Daly, the Scottish crime writer, and Alistair Marquis (District Governor) gave us certificates in recognition for our writing.
National Young Writer Competition Presentation
National Young Writer Competition

Why did I want to work for MVA and the third sector?

  • At MVA there will be a lot of scope for me to get involved in different projects and initiatives – promoting these causes and making a difference appeals to me.
  • The third sector, volunteering and charities especially make a massive contribution to society and it is an industry where there is a lot of transformative work happening.

What advice would I give to people who want to volunteer? And those who are job searching and looking to ‘stand out’ in applications?

  • GET IN TOUCH with your local volunteering provider! Particularly due to the Covid-19 pandemic a lot of charities/other non-for-profit organisations need as much help as possible.
  • Volunteering is great for your mental health and career prospects – this was the case for me! Your job prospects increase a lot as you are helping your local community and learning a lot of different skills in another context outside of work. The opportunities are endless and help you stand out!

My future plans?

What I hope to get out of my time at MVA is to gain valuable charity experience that will allow me to continue in a communications role in the third sector. With the experience and training I hope to receive from this role, I’d love to eventually become a brand strategist in a PR or marketing agency creating and implementing strategies for a range of different clients and brands.

Make a change in your community

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought out the best in Midlothian communities. We’ve seen people banding together to look after neighbours and the environment. Now is time to think about the next steps and keep that energy going. Do you want to make change in your community?

Midlothian Council’s Communities and Lifelong Learning Service and Midlothian Voluntary Action have created a free four-week introductory course to community changemaking which starts on 1 June 2021. The course will be led by Daniel Baigrie (Midlothian Council) and Rebecca McKinney (MVA), both with many years’ experience in community development and changemaking.

Find out more about the course.

Midlothian Volunteer Awards 2021: Nominees Announced

We are now able to share the list of confirmed nominees for the 2021 Midlothian Volunteer Awards, which will take place during Volunteers’ Week from 1-7 June. It’s looking likely that we will run an event on the evening of Thursday 3rd June to announce the winners, so keep an eye out for further updates about this.

The standard of nominations has been very high this year and we have also had a lot of interest in the awards. This reflects all the extra voluntary activity we’ve seen as part of the Covid-19 resilience response in local communities, but also the amazing work that has taken place across the third sector as a whole throughout the pandemic.

All of the nominees are listed below. The full list of Saltire Summit nominees will be announced later on in April. Well done everyone – you are all fabulous!

Outstanding New Volunteer  

  • Heather Mortimore (Food Facts Friends) 
  • Andrew Love (CAPS Collective Advocacy) 
  • Kathryn Gordon (Home Link Family Support) 
  • Katrina Drennan (Penicuik Ambassdors) 
  • Beth Fyfe Falconer (Volunteer Midlothian – Transform) 

Befriender Mentor   

  • Joseph Burke (Health in Mind) 
  • Alzheimer Scotland Telephone Companions
  • Amanda Gillespie (Home Link Family Support)   
  • Connect Project Volunteers (Volunteer Midlothian) 
  • Colin Pow (Health in Mind) 

Active Volunteering 

  • Rebecca Lewis (Riverfly on the Esk)
  • Holly Gibb (Breastfeeding Café) 
  • Mirabelle Maslin (Roslin and Bilston Community Council) 
  • Chris Boyle and Ricky Lloyd (Dalkeith Rugby) 
  • Dalkeith Guerrilla Gardeners 
  • Ageing Well (Midlothian Council)

Health and Wellbeing  

  • Anam Cara Befriending Team
  • Art and Craft in Wellbeing Group (Health in Mind) 
  • Midlothian Breastfeeding Alliance
  • Green Prescribing Garden Buddies (Cyrenians)

Dedicated Service  

  • Jim Paterson (Food Facts Friends) 
  • Connect Online (Volunteer Midlothian) 
  • David Thornton (Health in Mind) 
  • Colette Pye (Mayfield and District Breastfeeding Support Group) 
  • Maggie Palmer (Home Link Family Support)  
  • Jim Ralston (1st Loanhead Boys Brigade Company) 
  • Penicuik Community Development Trust


  • Vernon Miles (Community Activist – Environmental Clean Up) 
  • Grant Stanley (‘Our Stars Family’ on Facebook ) 
  • Amazing Brains Committee at Art Club 
  • Food Facts Friends 
  • Gorebridge Resilience Partnership  
  • Penicuik Ambassadors 

Volunteer Manager  

  • Mark Wells (Food Facts Friends) 
  • Michael Huddleston (Alzheimer Scotland) 
  • Monika Dyczko (Health in Mind) 
  • Naomi Knights (Volunteer Midlothian) 
  • Shondra Riley (Made in Midlothian) 

Saltire Summit Award

  • Kyle Anderson
  • Eva Hesketh-Laird
  • Louise Gillespie
  • Melissa Reidie 
  • Samantha Gough

Artists supported through youth arts programme

Made in Midlothian, in partnership with Midlothian Voluntary Action, has selected seven freelance artists to deliver creative projects with young people across local communities.

Funded by Creative Scotland’s Youth Arts Small Grants Scheme, the successful applicants are:

  • Adie Baako, West African Dancer of Akrowa UK
  • Ailis Paterson, Drama Facilitator
  • Annie Lord, Artist and Performer
  • Hannah Edi, Actor and Teacher
  • Laura Baigrie, Play Services Manager and Arts Practitioner
  • Lea Taylor, Professional Storyteller and Author
  • Mary Turner Thomson, Author.

Each artist will shape their projects with young people taking the lead on what’s created. The programme will culminate in a showcase in March 2022 where young people will have a chance to display or perform their art. In addition to this, they will have an opportunity to list their art on Made in Midlothian’s online marketplace. 

To learn more about their projects visit

Volunteers’ Week Awards 2021: New Award Categories Video

We’ve put together a second video following on from the one we released last week about the Midlothian Volunteer Awards. This latest video offering tells you more about the categories that volunteers can be nominated for and who the award sponsors are.

Both individual volunteers and teams can be nominated for all of the categories except the Saltire Summit and the two ‘Of the Year’ Awards, which are instead judged from all the nominations put together. This means that every nominee has two chances to win an award – so all the more reason to nominate!

You can watch our other video and read our Awards FAQ’s on our Volunteer’s Week Awards web page.

We hope you like it and that those of us who prefer to ‘watch’ rather than ‘read’ also find it helpful. Please share widely so that as many people as possible know about the awards and can get thinking about who deserves to be nominated. Thanks!

Check out our new Volunteer Awards Video Guide!

We have put together a video guide to accompany the FAQ’s information for the Volunteers’ Week Awards. We hope that this will be a useful accompaniment to the written information on the website.

We will also be releasing a second video next week explaining more about the categories for nomination. You can also go to the Volunteers’ Week page on our website to view the video and get more information.

We hope you find it helpful. If so, please share widely with others who may be thinking of nominating. Thanks!

Volunteer Group Facilitators needed for the Connect project

Older people in a Zoom group. Image from Creative Commons.

Do you have an area of interest or expertise you could share with others online? Volunteer Midlothian is recruiting Online Group Facilitators to run small online group sessions with people aged 50+ who may be feeling lonely and isolated during the pandemic.

You will pick an area of interest or expertise that you would like to share with others and develop it into a series of six sessions. You will be matched with up to five people aged 50+ who share this interest and who want to meet others.

Your topic could be arts and crafts, ‘knit and natter’, football memories, teaching languages or a musical instrument, creative writing, quizzes, painting or sketching. You may simply want to run a conversation group based around certain themes of participants’ choice, for example ‘music in the 50s’, ‘crime book club’ or ‘seasonal gardening tips’.

We know there are potential volunteers out there who would be perfect for this role. We are also expecting quite a lot of interest in this project, as it offers the chance to develop valuable skills in group leadership and facilitation. If that person is you then get in touch with our Connect project worker and find out more today!!

Midlothian Volunteer Awards 2021: Nominations are NOW OPEN!

We are super excited to announce that the nominations for this year’s Volunteers’ Week Awards are now open! The 2021 awards are shaping up to be extra special because they will celebrate volunteering activity from both before and during the pandemic. 

Categories for nomination include: Outstanding New Volunteer, Befriender/Mentor of the Year, Active Volunteering, Health and Wellbeing, Dedicated Service to Volunteering, Volunteer Manager of the Year and the Saltire Summit Award.

The winners of the 2019 awards, which were held at Newbattle Abbey College.

A brand-new category has also been introduced for 2021 to acknowledge community-led volunteering that occurred in response to Covid-19. This category will be open to nominations from members of the public in Midlothian who want to recognise local volunteers that have made an outstanding effort in their communities over the last 12 months. We can’t wait to see the nominations flying in! They are open for a three-week period until the end of March, so spread the word through your networks and get thinking as to who you might want to put forward for an award. 

More information about how to nominate and the link to the nominations form can be found on our Volunteers’ Week FAQ’s page. We will also be releasing a video guide to the awards later on in the week, so look out for that, particularly if you prefer to listen rather than read.

Good luck! If you’ve any questions, get in touch by emailing

Midlothian Volunteers’ Week Awards – Nominations Open NEXT WEEK!

Volunteer Midlothian is thrilled to announce that the nominations for this year’s Volunteers’ Week Awards will be opening next Monday after an unplanned hiatus due to the coronavirus pandemic. The 2021 awards are shaping up to be extra special because they will celebrate volunteering activity from both before and during the pandemic. 

Categories for nomination will include: Outstanding New Volunteer, Befriender/Mentor of the Year, Active Volunteering, Health and Wellbeing, Dedicated Service to Volunteering, Volunteer Manager of the Year and the Saltire Summit Award.

A brand-new category has also been introduced for 2021 to acknowledge the community-led volunteering that has occurred in response to Covid-19. This category will be open to nominations from members of the public who want to recognise and reward local volunteers that have ‘gone the extra mile’ over the last 12 months. We can’t wait to see the nominations flying in! They are open for a three-week period until the end of March, so spread the word and get your thinking caps on as to who you might want to put forward for an award. 

More info about the awards can be found on our Volunteers’ Week FAQ’s page. The link for the nominations form will be activated on Monday 8th June at 12 p.m. We will also be releasing a video guide to the awards next week, so look out for that as well.


Good Governance in the Third Sector

Moving your Board Meetings Online

This month we’re publishing a series of blog posts to help organisations update their governing documents if needed, so online meetings can continue. Here’s the first blog written by our Deputy Chief Officer, Rebecca McKinney:

Wiki Education board meeting June 2020 via Zoom by LiAnna (Wiki Ed) is licensed with CC BY-SA 4.0.

The process for how your organisation holds board meetings and members’ meetings such as AGMs and EGMs will be set out in your governing document. In normal times, you must follow this process.

In response to the Covid 19 Pandemic, some rules have been loosened to allow meetings to be held virtually even when this is not stated in your governing document. However, the rules are currently scheduled to revert back at the end of March, 2021. This means that if you want to continue having virtual board or members’ meetings, you may have to change your governing document. Here’s what to do next:

  1. Find your constitution or your articles of association and read the sections pertaining to the conduct of Directors’/Trustees’ meetings and Members’ meetings.
  2. Does the document specify that meetings may take place electronically or virtually?
  3. Or, does it have clauses stating that the meeting will be treated as taking place regardless of where participants actually are?
  4. Remember to check sections pertaining to both DIRECTORS and MEMBERS.
  5. If YES, you don’t have to make any changes to your governing document.
  6. If NO, read on:
If your organisation is a SCIO or unincorporated charity, see these NEXT STEPS:

1. Hold an AGM or EGM and pass a resolution to make the change to your constitution. Remember that this meeting must be quorate. At least two thirds of members who participate in the vote must agree to the change.

2. Inform OSCR within three months that you have made the change, by sending their notification form and a copy of your amended constitution. You can find out more about how to do this here. Suggested text is available via SCVO. You will need to adjust the wording and clause numbering to match your particular constitution.

Add immediately after clause 40: “40A. The board may make arrangements, in advance of any members’ meeting, to allow members to participate in the members’ meeting by means of a conference telephone, video conferencing facility or similar communications equipment – so long as all those participating in the meeting can hear each other; a member participating in a members’ meeting in this manner shall be deemed to be present in person at the meeting.”

Amend clause 44: “44 Every member has one vote, which must be given personally; for the avoidance of doubt, a vote given by a member participating in the meeting through any of the methods referred to in clause 40A will be taken to be given personally for the purposes of this clause.”

Add immediately after clause 86: “86A. A charity trustee may participate in a meeting of the board by means of a conference telephone, video conferencing facility or similar communications equipment – so long as all the charity trustees participating in the meeting can hear each other; a charity trustee participating in a meeting in this manner shall be deemed to be present in person at the meeting.”

Amend clause 90: “90. Every charity trustee has one vote, which must be given personally; for the avoidance of doubt, a vote given by a charity trustee participating in the meeting through any of the methods referred to in clause 86A will be taken to be given personally for the purposes of this clause.”

If your organisation is a Company Ltd by Guarantee WITH charitable status, follow these NEXT STEPS:

1. Hold an AGM or EGM and pass a resolution to make the change to your Articles of Association. Remember that this meeting must be quorate. At least two thirds of members who participate in the vote must agree to the change.

2. Inform Companies House of the change to your Articles within 15 days. You can find out how to do this here.

3. Inform OSCR within three months that you have made the change, by sending their notification form and a copy of your amended constitution. You can find out more about how to do this here.

Some sample statements you may insert into your Articles are:

In determining whether directors are participating in a directors’ meeting, it is irrelevant where any director is or how they communicate with each other.


If all the directors participating in a meeting are not in the same place, they may decide that the meeting is to be treated as taking place wherever any of them is.


In determining attendance at a general meeting, it is immaterial whether any two or more members attending it are in the same place as each other.

If your organisation is a CIC or Company Ltd by Guarantee without charitable status, follow these NEXT STEPS:

Check your CIC Articles. It is likely that these already contain a clause enabling you to hold meetings in which all participants are not in the same place. In this case, you do not need to make any changes.

If you do need to amend your articles, follow the same procedure as ‘If your organisation is a Company Ltd by Guarantee WITH charitable status’ above, but because you are not a charity, you will not have to inform OSCR.

On 24 February we’re holding a free workshop for Midlothian third sector organisations that may need to change their governing document to allow virtual meetings.