Category: Active Volunteering and Climate Change

Jacqueline Phillips (Midlothian TSI)

Nominated by: Midlothian TSI

We value your ability to keep people connected, to build a long term relationship, to improve people’s sense of confidence and wellbeing, as well as their connection with nature

Ageing Well Volunteers (Ageing Well)

Nominated by: Ageing Well Volunteer Coordinator

We particularly value your commitment to improve people’s life and wellbeing and your long life dedication to promote physical activity of a local community

Lynn Pillans

Nominated by: Rosewell Development Trust

Lynn Pillans is a gardening volunteer who supports various projects at The Steading and in the surrounding areas of Rosewell. Lynn welcomes new gardening volunteers and is always thinking of ways the experience can be enjoyable and inclusive for all. As a former landscape gardener, she happily passes on her knowledge to others. Lynn was instrumental in developing a sensory garden for the community with raised beds and scented/tactile planting. Other volunteers are always excited to see what ideas she comes up with. Her latest additions to The Steading include a living wall, a living picture and a very creative planting arrangement incorporating a step ladder.

Transform Project

Nominated by: Carey Douglas, Volunteer Midlothian

The Transform Project is for young people who need some extra support to get involved in volunteering. As part of the project, Volunteer Midlothian runs a community garden where people can try out different gardening activities and meet other young volunteers. Adult supporters are on hand to support the project. Collectively, the wonderful team of volunteers at Transform are increasing biodiversity and helping the environment by building bug hotels, using recycled materials to make raised beds, learning about composting and leaving wild areas to thrive. The garden also gives the community somewhere wonderful to sit, ponder or play.

Midlothian Paths Group

Nominated by: Midlothian Federation of Community Councils

Midlothian Paths Group meets on a monthly basis and is co-ordinated by the Midlothian Ranger Service based at Vogrie. The volunteer group members make walking, cycling, scooting and rollerblading easier and safer for everyone. They also prune back hedges and trees, improve access and repair sections of path as necessary. Their work is greatly appreciated by everyone in Midlothian because they are helping to provide safe places that can be enjoyed by an ever-growing number of people including visitors to Midlothian. The pandemic encouraged people to spend more time outdoors, appreciating nature. The Midlothian Path Group are making this easier for everyone to do and their efforts deserve to be recognised.  

Anne Hyatt

Nominated by: Rosslyn Community Bowling Club

Anne Hyatt has been involved in biodiversity projects in Roslin for the past 3-4 years and has made a tremendous impact leading and organising different initiatives. She established the Friends of Roslin Moat in conjunction with Roslin Men’s Shed and the local primary school, which led to the installation of 20 bird nesting boxes. She has also been instrumental in the development of a local community garden, working alongside the bowling club to improve the grassy area looking out into Chapel Lawns by replanting with trees, bushes and wildflowers. Anne’s calm manner and sense of humour are invaluable when working with other volunteers and she has helped to bring young and older people together in the community.

The Amazing Brains Committee at Art Club

Nominated by: Art Club – hosted by the Bill Russell Woodburn Youth Project

Young people aged 8 – 14 have met weekly for around three years to coordinate the activities of Art Club, a youth-led creative project based in Woodburn, Dalkeith. They call themselves the Amazing Brains Committee and they chair their own meetings, direct their own work and take part in a huge range of activities on a regular basis. They are passionate about climate change action and have directed a range of projects including the Junior Rangers Program which ran in the Summer of 2021 for five full days. The work of the Amazing Brains committee has helped to promote a more positive view of local young people and had also shown that they can be fantastic role models.