Category: Equality and Diversity Award

Les Reynolds (Mayfield Community Club)

Nominated by: Mayfield Community Club Tea Dance

Les, we highly value your involvement in supporting and engaging people into their local community. You are a passionate, motivated, helpful and proactive individual. We appreciate your commitment to the Mayfield Community Club Tea Dance which has become an important event in the lives of 100 isolated people in the community. The work that you have done to evolve the project and make it accessible to others is wonderful. 

Tracy Simpson (Rosewell Development Trust)

Nominated by: Rosewell Development Trust

Tracy, we recognise your dedication and admire your commitment to The Steading team. You go above and beyond by helping at other events as well as covering for other volunteers, whilst dealing with struggles of your own. We are delighted to see your time at The Steading has given you the confidence to enrol on a college course, we wish you all the best for the future.

Jessica Scott (Riding for the Disabled)

Nominated by: Riding for the Disabled

Jessica, we admire your dedication and compassion you have shown towards the disabled riders. Its great to hear you have trained other volunteers and co-ordinated fundraiser events as well as making a real difference to the lives of so many children. 

Margaret Scott (Food Facts Friends)

Nominated by: Food Facts Friends

We value Margaret’s commitment and diligence, and her attention to detail. We recognise that she puts the organisation first when trying to overcome her own health challenges. Margaret is a committed and flexible volunteer who has been with the organisation from the very beginning.

Justyna Rachowska

Nominated by: Health In Mind, Peer Connecting Black and Minority Ethnic Communities, East and Midlothian

Justyna Rachowska joined Peer Connecting Black and Minority Ethnic Service (Health In Mind) in 2018. She not only provided companionship and emotional support, but engaged people in their local communities, helping them to increase their confidence and find their feet. Justyna has a great understanding of cultural and language barriers. She is adaptable, passionate, motivated, helpful, empathetic, and proactive. She always has a positive attitude and is there ready to provide support in different ways. Over the years she has helped many Health in Mind clients integrate with local communities so that they can make friends and feel accepted. Her input has made a huge difference to others.

Agnieszka Czarnecka

Nominated by: Health In Mind, Peer Connecting Back and Minority Ethnic

Agnieszka Czarnecka joined Peer Connecting, Black and Minority Ethnic (Health In Mind) in 2019. Since then, she has supported several different people with protected characteristics, offering emotional support, signposting them to other services and helping them to connect with others in their local community. During the pandemic she provided telephone support to people who were isolated and in need, giving her time very generously to ensure that nobody was left behind. Agnieszka is a very caring and empathetic person. Her input has helped people to feel welcome in Midlothian and she is a very valued member of the team at Health in Mind.

Joanna Haba

Nominated by: Home Link Family Support

Joanna Haba has been volunteering since 2020 and is currently supporting her second family with Home Link Family Support. Joanna is bi-lingual, speaking both Polish and English, meaning that she has been able to help provide interpretation. In recent months Joanna has been assisting the family she is matched with (especially mum) to get involved in some systemic family counselling, also through Home Link. Joanna has made a significant difference to the life of this mother. As the focus of the relationship has changed over time, Joanna has worked in a very compassionate way with the mother to help her through the difficulties she has experienced.  She has shown immense commitment to this family and has been unwavering in her support for them.