Category: Outstanding New Volunteer Award

Evelina Rovenska (Health in Mind)

Nominated by: Health in Mind

We were particularly inspired by your kind, devoted and selflessness in helping others, leading by example in overcoming any barriers including organising and facilitating a Ukrainians support group. 

Romay Loudon (Volunteer Midlothian)

Nominated by: VM Connect Online

We were inspired by your involvement in supporting and promoting ‘Connect Online’ a new digital skills group running at Pathhead Community Café. A real advocate of technology reaching out to others to encourage participation and building upon the success of the project through delivery in other areas.  

IMPACT facilitators – Parents Group (CLLE & Sure Start)

Nominated by: Midlothian Council CLLE and Midlothian Sure Start

We were inspired by the work that IMPACT have been carrying out to improve the wellbeing of our community members. Through the development and introduction of adult wellbeing programmes they have brought members of the community together, enabling them to obtain new skills, establish new friendships and most importantly providing the opportunity for individuals to secure a trusted support network that is there long after they have finished the programme. Feedback from attendees has clearly been very positive and we are delighted to award Lee, Shona and Claire this years Outstanding New Volunteer award. 

Wendy Dolik (Active Schools)

Nominated by: Active Schools

We particularly admire your significant commitment through your role as an Active Schools volunteer delivering sport/exercise sessions within community schools and recognise your dedication in volunteering to provide extra-curricular opportunities.  

Julia Pennycuick (Rosewell & District Community Council)

Nominated by: Rosewell & District Community Council

We recognise your dedication to the planning, delivery and maintenance of local wildflower events, several wildflower border areas, sourcing seeds and getting others involved. Not to mention your creative and innovative ways to develop workshops.  

Beth Campbell (Volunteer Midlothian)

Nominated by: Volunteer Midlothian

We particularly admire your commitment towards supporting residents at Crystalmount Sheltered Housing and your ability to vary your approach whilst building rapport with residents, ensuring positive engagement and fun for all. 

Ellie Donald (Rosewell Development Trust)

Nominated by: Rosewell Development Trust

We recognise your dedication, enthusiasm and creativity through your role in hosting of the Arts and Crafts for young children and your all-round support as a volunteer with Chatter and Clatter.  

Calley Thomson (Home Link)

Nominated by: Homelink

We particularly admire your commitment towards improving the lives of others through your role as a befriender with Home Link Family Support offering both emotional and practical support, enabling others to grow in confidence.  

Jim Hiddleston

Nominated by: Wellbeing Essentials

Jim Hiddleston is a long-standing and well-known volunteer in the Roslyn area, however his recent involvement with the new social enterprise ‘Wellbeing Essentials’ has included some incredible work during the latter stages of the Covid pandemic. As part of this project Jim helped to drive forward eight different new start-up initiatives throughout 2021 including the Roslin Rustie Walk, Roslin’s Loving Local Now and Rosslyn Community Bowling Club. Jim’s contributions have made a big impact in Roslin and he is a very valued member of the local community.

Lillian Renshaw

Nominated by: Rosewell Development Trust

Lillian Renshaw started volunteering with Rosewell Development Trust in 2021, at a lunch club that provides a twice-weekly opportunity for elderly residents to get together for a chat over lunch. This has been especially important during the Covid pandemic when many older people have experienced loneliness and isolation. Lillian’s role involves helping to set the tables, serve the meals, and clear up whilst also interacting with those attending. Lillian enjoys the company and likes to chat with lunch club members about what she has been up to during the week. People love hearing her infectious laugh.

Karyn Mcgrath

Karyn McGrath has been volunteering for Anam Cara for over two years. She has extensive volunteering experience including supporting burns victims and continues to volunteer for CREW 2000 supporting people with addictions. She recently became part of the training team for the befriending service at Anam Cara. Her warm personality provides a soft shoulder to lean on and a listening ear. Many of Anam Cara’s other volunteers go to Karyn when they are struggling or when they need a bit of extra support. All her work is completely selfless and dedicated to the organisation.

Nominated by: ANAM CARA

Margaret McMeekin

Nominated by: Volunteer Midlothian

Margaret McMeekin volunteers for Transform, a community gardening project that aims to promote health, wellbeing and environmental sustainability. Margaret is a retired teacher with a keen interest in gardening and the environment. Her previous experience working with young people helps her to support Transform’s young volunteers, encouraging them to take part in gardening activities whilst learning new skills and having a positive experience. One young volunteer said: ‘Margaret should be celebrated; she gives her everything to the garden. I feel a better person for working there, I would definitely say I have more confidence. The work she is doing is incredible – I have nearly forgiven her for getting me to try that pure stinky Kale!’ 

Nicola Buntin

Nominated by: Health-in-Mind Midlothian community team

Nicola Buntin is a Health in Mind volunteer. She supports a weekly walking peer group and a gardening group in Dalkeith. Nicola’s role is to make people feel welcome, listen to their needs, and to promote equal opportunities. She is always aware of group dynamics and quickly adjusts to be able to lead discussions and activities. Nicola showed great compassion and understanding by emotionally supporting a group member that was struggling with their mental health, listening carefully to their needs and providing comfort until the person felt able to move on. She shows a huge amount of warmth towards other volunteers and service users.