Category: 2023

Evelina Rovenska (Health in Mind)

Nominated by: Health in Mind

We were particularly inspired by your kind, devoted and selflessness in helping others, leading by example in overcoming any barriers including organising and facilitating a Ukrainians support group. 

Romay Loudon (Volunteer Midlothian)

Nominated by: VM Connect Online

We were inspired by your involvement in supporting and promoting ‘Connect Online’ a new digital skills group running at Pathhead Community Café. A real advocate of technology reaching out to others to encourage participation and building upon the success of the project through delivery in other areas.  

IMPACT facilitators – Parents Group (CLLE & Sure Start)

Nominated by: Midlothian Council CLLE and Midlothian Sure Start

We were inspired by the work that IMPACT have been carrying out to improve the wellbeing of our community members. Through the development and introduction of adult wellbeing programmes they have brought members of the community together, enabling them to obtain new skills, establish new friendships and most importantly providing the opportunity for individuals to secure a trusted support network that is there long after they have finished the programme. Feedback from attendees has clearly been very positive and we are delighted to award Lee, Shona and Claire this years Outstanding New Volunteer award. 

Wendy Dolik (Active Schools)

Nominated by: Active Schools

We particularly admire your significant commitment through your role as an Active Schools volunteer delivering sport/exercise sessions within community schools and recognise your dedication in volunteering to provide extra-curricular opportunities.  

Julia Pennycuick (Rosewell & District Community Council)

Nominated by: Rosewell & District Community Council

We recognise your dedication to the planning, delivery and maintenance of local wildflower events, several wildflower border areas, sourcing seeds and getting others involved. Not to mention your creative and innovative ways to develop workshops.  

Beth Campbell (Volunteer Midlothian)

Nominated by: Volunteer Midlothian

We particularly admire your commitment towards supporting residents at Crystalmount Sheltered Housing and your ability to vary your approach whilst building rapport with residents, ensuring positive engagement and fun for all. 

Ellie Donald (Rosewell Development Trust)

Nominated by: Rosewell Development Trust

We recognise your dedication, enthusiasm and creativity through your role in hosting of the Arts and Crafts for young children and your all-round support as a volunteer with Chatter and Clatter.  

Calley Thomson (Home Link)

Nominated by: Homelink

We particularly admire your commitment towards improving the lives of others through your role as a befriender with Home Link Family Support offering both emotional and practical support, enabling others to grow in confidence.  

Midlothian Volunteer Awards 2023

The Midlothian Volunteer Awards are all about celebrating the amazing efforts of volunteers in Midlothian.

The awards take place every year during Volunteers’ Week (from the 1-7th June) and are a great opportunity to promote some of the fabulous volunteering projects that exist in Midlothian.

Over on our awards webpage, find out more about the categories for 2023 and how you can help recognise the amazing efforts of volunteers in Midlothian.