Category: Midlothian Climate Action Network

Climate Action Funding: Top Tips and Insights from Our Workshop

Community-led climate action and environmental projects are essential in tackling today’s environmental challenges, but accessing the right funding is often a barrier. That’s why we teamed up with our colleagues at the Midlothian Climate Action Network (MCAN) to host a workshop all about funding.

Watch the full session now:


What makes a good funding application?

We reviewed some top tips to ensure your funding application is as good as it can be, including making sure that you write for an “intelligent outsider” and avoid acronyms and jargon.  

Common mistakes to avoid

There can be a wide variety of reasons why funding applications are rejected, but in MVA’s experience there are a few comments that crop up over and over again. These include not clearly linking the activities proposed with the impact expected, not answering questions asked in the application and not providing proof for statements such as “we have a long history…”.  

Key climate-action & environmental funding providers

Click through to the presentation here: MCAN Funding Event Presentation FINAL to find a list of funders that provide funds for climate and environmental projects within Midlothian. For SCVO members, you can access their Funding – SCVO page that allows you to search for funding opportunities specific to the project you are planning.  

Visit our Funding page to find out more about third sector funding in Midlothian. 

Contact Us

We’re here to help! You can email us with any questions or to set up a one-to-one meeting, at

A Fresh Start for The Midlothian Climate Action Network – Meet The Team!

The Midlothian Climate Action Hub is delighted to confirm that our staff recruitment is now complete and the community-led Hub Steering Group has been formally elected!

Meet The Team

Ian Malcolm, Hub Manager

Previous to his new role as the Hub Manager, Ian was the Coordinator for the Midlothian Climate Action Network and played a key role in the successful funding application to the Scottish Government that enabled the formation of the staffed Hub. 

Naomi Knights, Community Engagement Officer

With an environmental background, Naomi has experience in environmental education and supporting the development of the community garden network across Scotland. Naomi has been working as a Volunteer Coordinator with Volunteer Midlothian – running a befriending project for the past several years and is familiar with communities and organisations throughout Midlothian.

Bruno Santos, Community Engagement Officer

Bruno joins the Hub team from Stop Climate Chaos Scotland, where he coordinated the Climate Fringe online platform, as well as a Scotland-wide community-led climate festival. He is currently the Logistics officer for the Edinburgh Climate Festival and has been active in various projects around migrant rights, food justice and climate action in the past.

The Hub Steering Group

On the same day final interviews for the Hub’s team were taking place in Dalkeith last December, the members of the Hub’s Steering Group were being formally elected in Penicuick.

Community group members enjoy a meal after the conclusion of staff interviews and election of the Hub Steering Group
Community group members enjoy a meal after the conclusion of staff interviews and election of the Hub Steering Group

The Midlothian Climate Action Hub’s newly elected steering group members include:

  • Julian Holbrook, Chairperson from Damhead Climate Action
  • Julia Pennycuick from Midlothian Wildflowers 
  • Douglas Strachan from One Dalkeith Community Development Trust
  • Chris Sydes from Penicuik Community Development Trust
  • Sharon Hill from Mayfield & Easthouses Development Trust
  • Jenny Maddalena from Rosewell & District Community Council 
  • Xica Dabin-Debono from The Glencorse Association 
Our chair, Julian Holbrook, signing the Terms of Reference for MCAN

What’s next for the Midlothian Climate Action Hub?

The Hub’s early priorities for this year will be focused on understanding local needs and reaching out to local groups.

This includes a mapping exercise to fully understand the needs, challenges and ambitions of Midlothian’s community groups and organisations, and how they can best be supported and empowered. To support this activity and introduce the Hub to the local communities, four outreach events will be taking place across Midlothian in February and March.

We will release information on these very soon, so make sure to keep an eye out and follow the Hub’s brand new social media!

To get in contact with Midlothian Climate Action Network, email them at, or visit their website here.

Article authored by Bruno Santos.

Success for a Midlothian Climate Action Hub

Members of the Midlothian Climate Action Network are thrilled and making plans to celebrate after the Scottish Government confirmed that their application for grant funding for a staffed Climate Action Hub in the county had been successful. The Hub will support a collaborative effort focused on community-led climate action and adaptation within the region.

Funding Success

Funding of nearly £75,000 has been secured for the remainder of 2023-24 while more significant grant support for 2024-25 is agreed in principle only at this stage pending final agreement on the Scottish Government budgets for that year. However, the Scottish Government’s advice has been to recruit staff for both this year and next with that caveat. The application was made by a partnership involving Network members and Midlothian Voluntary Action, the local Third Sector Interface based in Dalkeith. The Network seek to obtain incorporated charitable status for the Hub during 2024-25. In the meantime, it is very happy with the partnership with MVA.

Ian Malcolm, who has been acting as coordinator of the Midlothian Climate Action Network since June, said:

“This is very welcome and exciting news for Midlothian and its communities. The Hub is a community-led initiative to encourage local community groups to achieve their climate action ambitions, through training and sharing and learning from each other through events and collaborative projects.

Climate action takes many forms; in environmental protection, community gardening and food growing, encouraging and protecting green spaces and increasing biodiversity. It encourages walking and cycling, helps reduce food and fuel bills in times of need, encourages community wellbeing and provides positive and inclusive opportunities for the local population. It’s all good.”

Lesley Kelly, Chief Officer of Midlothian TSI was equally delighted:

“The application to the Scottish Government had to come from an incorporated body such as our own and we were only too pleased to offer our support. So much of what is planned chimes with our goals to create positive opportunities and outcomes for the people of Midlothian, particularly those on low incomes and suffering most from the cost of living and energy crises. The more we can do to help communities support each other through these difficult times, the better.”

Councillor Dianne Alexander, Midlothian Council said:

“Midlothian Council fully endorses the community-focused funding received for a Midlothian climate change action hub. The hub will be immensely important to bring our communities and people together to work with us as we move forward on our journey towards net zero.”

The Hub will employ three members of staff in the first instance: the Hub Manager, and two part-time Community Engagement Officers working directly with and encouraging local community groups. The staff will be based in the MVA office in Dalkeith. The employing body will be MVA while the strategic direction for the Hub will be provided by a Hub Steering Group to be elected from the Network’s community groups.

Early actions by the Hub will include opening the first round of a communities’ seed funding grant programme and delivery of four roadshow events across the county region. These and other workstreams will increase awareness and understanding of climate change, provide sharing and learning opportunities and showcase and promote positive community efforts.

The application to the Scottish Government was supported by our local MP and MSPs, Midlothian Council and the Midlothian Community Planning Partnership. The partnership is grateful to SCCAN (Scottish Community Climate Action Network) and to the Scottish Government for their support.

Apply to join the cause!

The jobs are currently being advertised on Goodmoves:

This is an exciting time to be involved in community-led climate action and for the successful applicants to make their mark at local and regional levels and to influence policy and decision-making at national level.

For further information about the jobs please contact Lesley Kelly at, or call 0131 663 9471.

The Midlothian Hub is one of a number of regional hubs being supported by the Scottish Government across the country. In addition to their work in Midlothian, the Hub Manager will play an active part in the Scotland-wide Hub network, attending monthly meetings, quarterly Stakeholder Working Group meetings and enabling opportunities for learning across the regions.