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The Covid Vaccine and the Midlothian Third Sector

3 March, 2021 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm


Jamie Megaw and Jim Sherval from NHS Lothian will give a brief overview of the impact of the vaccine on tacking Covid. Key issues to be covered include:

  • To what extent vaccinated individuals can continue to spread the virus;
  • How frequently individuals are likely to require booster vaccines;
  • How effective the vaccine is;
  • How likely the vaccine is to be undermined by variant strains;
  • When we are likely to get back to a position where we no longer need to use PPE in service delivery.

Following the presentation we will break into discussion groups to consider:

  • The implications of what we have heard for service delivery;
  • How we deal with the ethical issues around requiring or requesting staff/volunteers/service users are vaccinated;
  • What resources and support the third sector needs to reopen and safely deliver services.

It would be helpful if people have specific questions if they could send them to Lesley Kelly in advance at lesley.kelly@mvacvs.org.uk


3 March, 2021
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm