Projects & Partnerships

Midlothian Older People’s Assembly

Midlothian Older People’s Assembly (MOPA) is a network of older citizens interested in and caring about the quality of life for older people in Midlothian. 

MOPA usually has one large-scale event every year and four or five smaller meetings around a chosen theme, with discussion with guests from the Midlothian Health and Social Care Partnership. Examples of these themes may be – GP Practice in Midlothian, Transport, Finance, Social care, and Benefits, Participating in my local community. The meetings are a mixture of online and in person according to individual need. 

MOPA is a fantastic way to connect with other older citizens and to become newly aware of local issues that affect the quality of life or older people living in Midlothian. MOPA is also interested in many of the issues raised in this report and how to affect positive change. 

If you are interested in being involved or learning a bit more, please contact us.

To find out more about services for older people in Midlothian, you can read and download the 2024/25 Midlothian Older People’s Newsletter below: