Tag: Mental Health

Successful recipients of Midlothian mental health grant announced

Volunteer Midlothian and Health in Mind recently launched the ‘Midlothian Mental Health in the Community Small Grants Fund’, using money from the Scottish Government’s Supporting Communities Fund, to enable local organisations to pilot new activities that serve the community. The six month project will provide mental health and wellbeing support for those that have been affected by Covid-19 and lockdown. The funded projects will offer internet and telephone-based listening, counselling and peer support. Any face-to-face services will only commence in due course, in line with the Scottish Government’s social distancing guidelines and lockdown routemap. 

We are delighted to announce that the seven projects being funded are: Alzheimer Scotland, Anam Cara, Cyrenians, Dalkeith and District Citizens Advice Bureau, Midlothian Sure Start, Rosewell Development Trust and Vocal Midlothian. The projects will support a range of different needs across Midlothian, including those of carers, families, people who are socially isolated, people living with dementia and vulnerable women. All project volunteers will have access to specialist mental health training designed and delivered by Health in Mind specifically for this project.

You can follow on social media for regular updates on the progress of each project on Twitter: 

New Midlothian mental health fund now open for applications!

The Midlothian ‘Mental Health in the Community’ Small Grants Fund has now opened. The fund aims to build the capacity of local organisations to support individuals whose mental health has been adversely impacted by the pandemic and lockdown. This is an opportunity for charities and social enterprises working with volunteers to apply for small grants of up to £10,000 each, to expand and develop their mental health and wellbeing support services.

The fund aims to build your organisation’s capacity to provide volunteer-led mental health support in the community. Volunteer Midlothian have partnered up with Health in Mind, who will deliver bespoke online training to the volunteers providing this support.

To apply for a grant, you must: 

  • Be providing a service to Midlothian residents;
  • Have been in operation for at least one year; 
  • Be able to demonstrate a track record of mental health service provision.

Funded projects will need to adhere to current social distancing guidelines, so delivery may initially be via telephone or online platforms. We are looking to support a span of activities for people of all age groups, including children, young people, working age adults and older people. 

A few key dates for those interested in applying: 

  • Launch of Grant: 2nd July 
  • Online surgeries for those interested in applying:  6th and 8th July
  • Grant Deadline: 12pm Thurs 16th July

Please email completed application forms to natalie.thomson@mvacvs.org.uk You can also get in touch with Natalie if you have any questions or would like to discuss in more detail.