Latest News
From Midlothian Voluntary Action (MVA), Volunteer Midlothian and Social Enterprise Alliance Midlothian (SEAM).
Recognising Unpaid Carers – Training by VOCAL
Caring responsibilities are often a hidden issue in the workplace, making it challenging for employees to seek support. In fact, one in five carers leave their jobs because balancing work…
Climate Action Funding: Top Tips and Insights from Our Workshop
We teamed up with our colleagues at MCAN to host a workshop all about funding. Watch a recording of the session & read our key takeaways now!
Community Benefits in Action – Wishes Delivered
We’ve been working hard with organisations to encourage use of community benefits portals. Here are a few examples of benefits which have been delivered recently…
Overdose Prevention: Key Lessons from Our Naloxone Training Session
Last week, MVA held a Naloxone training and harm reduction session for third sector staff and volunteers in Midlothian.
£247k Fund Launching for Midlothian Community Groups
Year 4 of the Community Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund for Adults launches on the 9th September 2024!
Ready, Teddy, Go! Success for Young Volunteers’ Event
Our young volunteers worked hard to organise a Teddy Bears Picnic event for local children and families.
Third Sector Funding: Have Your Say
We hosted an online session to discuss fair funding & the Scottish Government’s funding principles.
Scottish Charities Invited to Shape Future Regulations
The Scottish Government is running a consultation to understand whether a review of charity regulation is needed, and what the Third Sector would like this review to focus on. Midlothian…
Panda-monium at the Midlothian Volunteer Awards 2024!
On Thursday 6 June, volunteers across Midlothian arrived at Newbattle Abbey College for our annual Midlothian Volunteer Awards.
Free Unrestricted Funding With Easyfundraising
MVA hosted an online event today with Becky Coleman at Don’t worry if you missed the session, you can view the recording below: You can download the slides from…
Scottish Government proposes charges for volunteers’ PVGs.
What’s Happening? Disclosure Scotland has opened a proposal to introduce fees for volunteering. They plan to remove the current fee waiver and apply a fee of £28 for volunteers to…