Latest News
From Midlothian Voluntary Action (MVA), Volunteer Midlothian and Social Enterprise Alliance Midlothian (SEAM).
National Lottery Funding – Briefing Blog
MVA recently held a National Lottery Funding Briefing to provide third sector organisations with an update on some changes the National Lottery are making to their funding streams.
ALISS (A Local Information System for Scotland) Training Recording & Recap
We recently held training alongside Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland & Midlothian Council to help organisations in Midlothian learn more about ALISS (A Local Information System for Scotland) and…
Boogie & Arlene Want You… To Nominate For The Midlothian Volunteer Awards 2024!
NOMINATIONS CLOSE NEXT WEEK for the 2024 Midlothian Volunteer Awards! 🎉 The Midlothian Volunteer Awards take place each year, and are all about celebrating the amazing efforts of volunteers in Midlothian. This…
Nominations Open for the 2024 Midlothian Volunteer Awards!
Nominations are now open for the 2024 Midlothian Volunteer Awards! The Midlothian Volunteer Awards take place each year, and are all about celebrating the amazing efforts of volunteers in Midlothian. This celebration…
Applications open for CMHWB Micro Grant
Are you a community group looking for funding? Year 3 of Midlothian Community Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund for Adults launched in the end of September 2023 distributing over £246…
Success for a Midlothian Climate Action Hub
Members of the Midlothian Climate Action Network are thrilled and making plans to celebrate after the Scottish Government confirmed that their application for grant funding for a staffed Climate Action…
Challenge Poverty Week: Uniting Against Poverty In Midlothian
We are more than halfway through Challenge Poverty Week and we want to highlight what’s been happening in Midlothian to unite against poverty and what we are doing at MVA…
Discovering the Kelpies with our Conversation Café
At our beloved Conversation Café, the world comes alive through the magic of words. Every Tuesday and Thursday morning we gather together to discuss travels, explore geography, share cultural traditions,…
Transforming Young People’s lives – Funding Boost
We are delighted to announce further development of our Transform project for young volunteers, thanks to funding awarded from Tyne & Esk Rural Communities Development Fund. This funding will enable…
Midlothian Volunteer Awards 2023
The Midlothian Volunteer Awards are all about celebrating the amazing efforts of volunteers in Midlothian. The awards take place every year during Volunteers’ Week and are a great opportunity to…
Midlothian Volunteer Awards 2023: Winners Announced
We are very excited to announce the winners of the 2023 Midlothian Volunteer Awards ceremony, which took place last night at Newbattle Abbey College. These incredible individuals have gone above…
Volunteer Midlothian’s Rhino Mascot Visits Mauricewood Primary School
Our Napier university student Julianne visited Mauricewood Primary School last week with Volunteer Midlothian’s Volunteering Development Worker, Magda, to tell pupils about Volunteers’ Week 2023. The pair delivered a special…